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Why Use My Police Report

By law, the Report of Motor Vehicle Accident form MV-104 must be completed and submitted to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) within ten days following an auto accident that resulted in personal injury, death, or over $1,000 in property damage. Failing to file the MV-104 when required is a misdemeanor criminal offense that could result in fines, jail time, and suspension of your driver’s license or vehicle registration.

The timeframe to file the MV-104 is very short, but it’s not an easy form to complete. On the contrary, it’s complex and confusing, forcing you to choose the correct numerical code from over a hundred different choices. And it comes at a time when you are dealing with a lot on your plate that probably seems a lot more important than filling out a form with the DMV. Instead, you are rightly more concerned with your health, the condition of your vehicle, how you’ll get to work if you are able or put food on the table if you are disabled, and how you’ll take care of your family while you are laid up or without a vehicle. Unfortunately, no matter what you are going through in your personal life as a result of the crash, the law provides no exceptions; you must still file the MV-104 in ten days or risk serious legal consequences including suspension of your driver’s license and even a criminal conviction.

My Police Report was created to help you comply with the law and fulfill this legal duty as painlessly as possible. My Police Report was designed with your ease of use in mind so you can file the MV-104 quickly and accurately, with peace of mind knowing your form was submitted timely and in full compliance with the law.

The MV-104 Is Complex and Confusing

The Report of Motor Vehicle (MV-104) is a one-page form, with a separate page of instructions for filling out the form. Although only a couple of pages, every inch of the form and its instructions page are filled to the maximum extent possible. Every aspect of the crash is reduced to a numerical code, and you’ll be required to choose from over a hundred different codes to describe every aspect of the accident. This is the same form the police use when investigating an accident. They do it every day, but you might only do it once, so while the police officers are proficient in using this form, you aren’t. You might think you can just copy the information from the officer’s form, but unfortunately there is no way you’ll be able to get a copy of their report within the short ten-day time frame you have to complete your MV-104 and file it with the DMV. Failing to file on time is a misdemeanor criminal offense, subjecting you to fines, a suspension of your driver’s license, and a criminal record.

The Report of Motor Vehicle Accident Requires Information Available Only at the Scene

The MV-104 asks for detailed information regarding lighting conditions at the time of the accident, as well as the character of the roadway and road surface, traffic control mechanisms at the site, the weather, the direction of travel, what your vehicle was doing just before the accident, and more. It can be a daunting task to try and remember all of this information days later, recreating the accident in your mind, while you are potentially dealing with debilitating physical injuries, mental pain and emotional distress, and all sorts of turmoil in your life.

With the My Police Report mobile app handy, you can start filling in this information directly on the MV-104 as soon as you are able, whether that be at the scene of the crash, while waiting at the hospital, or while recovering at home.

Scan in Important Information Quickly and Accurately

The Report of Motor Vehicle Accident requires you to collect and input a large amount of information regarding you, your vehicle, and the other party or parties involved. With the My Police Report mobile app, you can scan driver’s licenses, VINs, insurance cards and vehicle registrations with a tap on your phone, and let the My Police Report app put this information where it goes directly into the MV-104. Without My Police Report, you’ll be forced to take down this information at the scene by writing it down or taking pictures of the other driver’s information, and then later manually inputting the information onto the MV-104. My Police Report saves time by automating this process for you, and you can also rest assured that the information is getting entered correctly into the proper fields, without worrying about whether you made any typos in the process.

Start Your Free Crash Report Now

If you’ve been in a New York car crash and need to file a Report of Motor Vehicle Accident with the DMV to comply with New York law, use My Police Report to get started now filling out your crash report. To make crash reporting fast and easy, download our mobile app to your Apple or Android smartphone. My Police Report makes filing the MV-104 simple and quick, and it’s free! Time is of the essence if you’ve been in a crash, so get started now.

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